The sensitive human world

The sensitive human world

Human sensitivity and the internet

The human sensitivity has certain recognisable standards. They depend on the sensory limitations of a human body, mental, intellectual and emotional limitations in dealing with the social environment. These sensitivity issues are highly modified in the context of the electronic machine world, logistics, programing languages and artificial intelligence (AI).

Neither the hardware nor the software are sensitive about the results they produce. Even the program experts may not be always fully sensitive about the results of their products, though the products may be a tremendous success in the market, and bring them sufficient satisfaction and financial returns for what they could achieve logically.

Impersonation and regulations

How do we regulate or make some standard of the human sensitivity in the computer world so that the coming generations could build a new work culture in the field of the internet activities? In the internet world the electronic machine network impersonate every active user and may or may not continue impersonating 24hours a day, a fixed period or forever. So, in the internet context impersonation of another human user, for whatever short-term gain one may imagine to get, is the most absurd and useless idea. Normal human sensitivity is enough to comprehend this much.

Focussed human attention - on what?

Anyone using a computing machinery is focussed on the immediate screen outputs during their activities. Their attention and focus isolate them from the rest of the human activities for long hours, accumulated as serial short span mind focused periods. The "awareness" and "consciousness" of the human is in a combined web space constituted of the machine and human interactive responses, which is also isolated from the rest of the human and the machine worlds. This is something similar to a “Samadhi” state in “Indian Yoga”, but for much shorter times and also not with any spirituality or divinity, associated, but only the human logical mind-sets and the electronic network. This is also comprehensible logically and forms the second aspect of standard sensitivity.

The direct and the obvious

The third level of sensitivity standardisation is about the optimization of the human heart, head and the electronic machine fusion. We must consider the amplification processes within the global network of every pulse of input into the screen level, and the outputs therefrom into the sensory human ports. This is the most advanced technological issue, urgently needing more serious attention, than even exploring other planets, building space colonies or studying the microgravity effects on life and experiences.

The Internet Machine vs individual human being

The electrical measurements at the outputs of a huge global transformer at an individual screen level may give bizarre results compared to what is happening at the other, undefined, global end. The physical cloud level measurements will give some idea of the electronic network environment events, but nothing of other possible triggers beyond. That is, we must put every effort in manufacturing, logistic programing, distribution to prevent the "Global Machine Perception" becoming just a riddle to the individual human user level perception of the electromagnetic environment. (To be continued…)